Flatpack kitchens

A flatpack kitchen design gives you the freedom to choose from a wide range of designs and helps build your dream kitchens. Flexible and easy-to-install designs are precisely cut and drilled to fit the pieces together for a perfect fit. From creating timber cabinets, benchtops, soft drawers and doors, to other timber engravings, we assure of unparalleled cut designs using high-quality products.

Our advanced CNC cutting machine combined with 3D kitchen design planner will allow you make suitable choices that perfectly suits your style. CNC machine also does the joinery cuts, holes for shelving pin, and mounting screws. You can share your requirements and we precisely cut the piece of board and mix and match with colors of your choice that will let your kitchen stand out from the rest.

Our designs minimize usage of space and best suitable for tiny or spacious kitchens. As an affordable and DIY job, these designs will give you the potential to save your money and time. Are you ready to start your flatpack kitchen? Get in touch with us.
